5 questions your LASIK surgeon wants you to ask

Best LASIK surgeon St Louis

Looking for LASIK in St. Louis? Here’s what you should be asking. The Internet is an amazing thing. Thanks to dot coms, we now have an entire universe of information at our fingertips. Whether we want to find a recipe or figure out what’s causing that irritating rash, all we have to do is search …

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Missouri Great Solar Eclipse 2017: Protect your eyes

Dr. Jason P. Brinton presents a check to Rockwood School District to purchase solar eclipse viewing glasses for every student in the district.

In case you hadn’t heard, something pretty incredible is happening August 21. The universe is giving the St. Louis area exclusive front row seats to one of the biggest shows around — the Great Solar Eclipse 2017 — and we want you to be prepared. The Great American Solar Eclipse, or Great Solar Eclipse, will …

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You are unique. So are your eyes.

Lasik eye surgery: You are unique. So are your eyes.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” vision solution when it comes to LASIK in St. Louis. Right now, this very minute, there are about 7.5 billion of us human beings on Earth. That means there are about 15 billion eyes. An even more incredible fact is that not a single pair is exactly alike. From a technical …

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5 reasons why LASIK is wrong for you

Top 5 Reasons why Lasik is Wrong for You

So let me guess. You probably take great care of your body (when you have time). You go to the gym or move your body at yoga class, on a bike or by walking or jogging a couple of times a week. You’re probably also mindful of proper nutrition, and there’s a good chance that …

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