Brinton Vision – Lasik St. Louis

Brinton Vision Testimonials

Cindy I.

After having the Custom Lens Replacement (CLR) procedure at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, Cindy doesn’t believe her vision could possibly be better. She expands on how wonderful it is to be free of glasses and how the patient care at Brinton Vision is “top notch”.

Drew B.

Drew elaborates on his experience having the SBK procedure at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, MO. He expands on how the patient care is unmatched and how priceless it is to wake up every day with perfect vision without relying on glasses or contacts.

Ashley G.

After having the EVO ICL procedure at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, Ashley doesn’t have to worry about packing all of her eye accessories. She can just… go! She never realized how much of a burden it was until now that she doesn’t have to wear glasses or contacts any longer.

Don A.

After having the CLR procedure at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, MO, Don can now see the golf ball further than he can hit it! Ron elaborates on the level of patient care Brinton Vision provides and offers wise words of encouragement for patients who have already had their BVOA but are nervous to move forward with surgery.

Randy and Kathy L.

After both having the CLR procedure at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, MO, Randy and Kathy are 110% glad they went through with it. The couple elaborates on the level of patient care Brinton Vision provides and how their entire experience was “first class… all the way.”

Sam D.

Sam elaborates on her experience at Brinton Vision in St. Louis, MO, talking about how burdensome contact lenses were, the level of patient care she received, and how amazing life without contacts is.