#1 Twist-top vials of preservative-free artificial Conveniently purchase through pharmacy with other post- operative drops, over the counter, or online. On day of the procedure, use one drop in procedure eye as frequently as possible, or no less than every 15-30 minutes while awake. For the first three months, use one drop in procedure eye a minimum of every two hours while awake. This drop is listed first since it is the most important step you can take in the first 3 months after KAMRA to support your eye as it heals. These vials can be recapped for multiple uses (9-11 drops per vial), however throw away and use a new vial on the next day.
#2 Lotemax/prednisolone (steroid, pink top, 5.0mL/80 drops). Shake before using. Take one drop in procedure eye 4x daily for one week – typically breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime – then decrease to 2x daily for 1 month, then 1x daily for 1 month, then stop. Notify a Brinton Vision doctor if you have used steroid medicines before or if you start a new steroid medication (pill, cream, mist, inhaler, injection, prednisone, etc.) while taking the drops above. This combination can lead to a painless increase in eye pressure, which if undetected, can cause serious vision As long as you are taking a steroid eye drop you need to have your eye pressure checked in our office no less than every 4 weeks.
#3 Ofloxacin (antibiotic, tan top, 5.0mL/80 drops). Take one drop in procedure eye four times daily – typically breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime – for one week, then stop.
PRIOR TO PROCEDURE – You will have a measurement appointment in our clinic and will need be out of contact lenses for 7 days prior to this visit and should remain out of contacts until your procedure. Come wearing your glasses prescription that best corrects your vision and if you have contact lenses, bring your boxes or lens foils with you so we can include these numbers in our procedure calculations.
You may experience irritation, light sensitivity, “heavy eyelids,” and excess tearing following your procedure. This typically subsides over the first day.
Tape eye shield securely over the procedure eye while sleeping for the first two nights to prevent accidentally bumping or rubbing your eye.
You may resume normal non-water workouts after your day 1 post-operative
If your surgeon places a bandage contact lens in your eye following your inlay procedure, he will tell you. This is typically removed at your postop day #1 visit. Please tell your technician if your bandage lens is still in place at your postop day #1 visit. If your contact falls out prior to your visit, do not replace it. Keep your eyes closed and use preservative-free artificial tears for comfort. Call the office and we can discuss whether you would like us to replace the lens for you.