If you’re looking for LASIK, St. Louis is the place to be!

A new season is upon us, and with it comes all the fun of spring break! What better way to recharge your day than to do something just for you! This year, instead of choosing between seeing the beach and wearing impractical contacts or glasses, why not fix the problem once and for all with LASIK in St Louis?

Every year, about 65 million people celebrate spring break by traveling, often to sunny oceanfront destinations. Each year, some of those people end up with infections from wearing their contact lenses in the water, or from leaving them in too long while they enjoy the fun.

Why not ensure that you can enjoy every vacation from here on out by treating yourself to the gift of clear, natural vision for the rest of your life?

At Brinton Vision in St. Louis, LASIK is just one option. We have the technology and training to provide LASIK plus all six modern variations: ASA, RLE, EVO ICL, Kamra inlay, SMILE, and LRI. Even if you’ve been told you are not a good candidate for LASIK due to astigmatism, thin corneas, or a strong prescription, there is often hope at Brinton Vision.

Take time out for self-care this spring break, and take control of how you see the world, starting today! Schedule a comprehensive Brinton Vision Ocular Analysis to see if you are a candidate for any of these life-changing treatments. Click here to make an appointment online, or call us at 314.375.2020.

Make this year’s spring break the best yet with LASIK! St. Louis, here we come!

Dr. Jason P. Brinton is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of LASIK and refractive surgery. He is a graduate of Harvard College, earned his medical doctorate from the Harvard Medical School and is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.