What Happens Next? Taking the Mystery out of a LASIK Consultation in St. Louis

Brinton Vision Lasik Surgery St. Louis

Many of us have visited an optometrist for years, and there’s little question about what will happen behind that wall of frames we know all-too-well. But visiting an ophthalmologist to discuss St. Louis LASIK eye surgery or LASIK alternatives can be intimidating. Ophthalmologists are medical doctors trained in medical procedures and eye health, and are …

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You are unique. So are your eyes.

Lasik eye surgery: You are unique. So are your eyes.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” vision solution when it comes to LASIK in St. Louis. Right now, this very minute, there are about 7.5 billion of us human beings on Earth. That means there are about 15 billion eyes. An even more incredible fact is that not a single pair is exactly alike. From a technical …

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