For contact lens wearers there are two contact lenses most likely to hurt: your first pair of contact lenses and your last pair of contact lenses. The first pair is because of inexperience with inserting and removing contact lenses, and the latter may be due to something called contact lens overwear syndrome (CLOS). According to …
Contact Lens Intolerance and What to Do About It
For many people with farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism and other common refractive errors, wearing contact lenses or glasses represents an opportunity for relatively inexpensive temporary vision correction. There are some advantages of wearing contacts over wearing glasses, including a glasses-free appearance and ability to stay active. While contact lenses aren’t as carefree as long-term vision correction …
7 Fall Dry-Eye Solutions
Brinton Vision | Dry-Eye Solutions It’s that time of year when many LASIK patients coming through Brinton Vision’s doors are donning cable-knit, chunky scarves and the warm neutrals associated with fall. They may also be sporting bloodshot eyes, stringy or crusty mucus on the eyes and other symptoms of dry eye syndrome that frequently come …
Newsmax shares Dr. Jason Brinton’s Eye Strain Avoidance Advice
Sheltering in place has significant health benefits when avoiding or helping to contain COVID-19. However, there are challenges and eyestrain is one such ailment that is increasing significantly due to a surge in screen time. To help us navigate a safe passage through our quarantine without impediment of eye strain, Newsmax is sharing Dr. Jason …
COVID-19 Coronavirus and Pink Eye | Cheddar Network Interview with Dr. Brinton
See Brinton Vision’s full article on COVID-19 Recommendations for Contact Lens Wearers. COVID-19 Coronavirus and Pink Eye Interview Transcription Dr. Jason Brinton: What we commonly call conjunctivitis or pink eye can be caused by a number of sources, the common cold, the seasonal flu, and a variety of viruses including the 2019 novel coronavirus. …